Athens Fringe Support


We cannot expect help from anyone, except from ourselves. Where “we” the community of people who are linked together with an invisible thread, who understand each other just with a glance that without defining it, they know what they mean when they say “good” or “bad”, “necessary”, or “unnecessary”. We collect money, from everyone who can, and we provide it to those who need it to do what they ask for crystal clear.



Our ambition in Athens Fringe Network is to bring Arts, Society, Culture, Science and Action, close to as many people as we can, making them active participants in the new creation, in the social intervention, in the collective activity. With this philosophy we aim to:

  •  Build strong and lasting relationships between audience, artists, partners, institutions and      organizations, business, media and community
  • Encourage the artistic creativity, action and education
  • Offer a rich and various program of art and action in the public
  • Expand our activities in all areas of creativity, action and education both at all possible and unexpected audiences
  • To embrace through the art all the sensitive social groups
  • Support the local identity through the art and science
  • Promote the Greek artistic activity in Greece and abroad.


As a non-profit Company, Synthesis Media Company needs to collect in various ways the necessary resources to support its operation and work. We seek to find ways of moral and financial support to realize all the creative ideas of the members of our network. We develop partnerships with private, public and private entities, aiming to collect all the necessary resources to realize all the collective and individual artistic works, educational programs and activities.

The company in 10-plus years of operation has received a negligible (less than 5% of total costs) governmental or local support for the work which produces (cultural production, Athens Fringe Network/Live, Vryssaki Space of Art and Action). For this reason, the support from the private sector and the personal contribution has great value for us. We develop lifetime relationships with you through specially designed activities for all of you who love and support the Art and the Action. The money that you offer is channeled directly to the Greek artistic and activist community, to our audience and to the society in which we operate.






 Associate Membership

The members of Athens Fringe Network , receive a number of privileges, services and facilities in the price of 20 Euros. Those are valid for one calendar year from the date of your registration. In your privileges, there is also included, your participation in the various Athens Fringe Lives which are organized during the year by Synthesis Media Company, Services Fringe community, Fringe Industry and Fringe Funding. For more information visit

Full Membership

The members of Athens Fringe Network have access to the performances/activities/events which are organized by Synthesis Media Company, at Athens Fringe Live, at Living Space of Art and Action Vryssaki and to other circumstances. Having paid the privileged price of 50 Euros per year, the members have the opportunity to buy a package of 10 free tickets, have a 20% discount in the bar/café of Vryssaki and discounts on tickets of certain performances/events on Vryssaki and other partner venues. Those are valid for one calendar year from the date of the registration on the network.

 Education Membership

Members of Athens Fringe Network can register for FREE children (under 18), children’s group, school or college and have the opportunity with the privileged price of 50 Euros per year to buy a package of 10 free tickets, plus free tickets for teachers/parents/escorts (1 free ticket for each package of 10 tickets) and ticket discounts on children educational programs, performances / events and activities at Living Space of Art and Action Vryssaki.

Gift Membership

The Members of Athens Fringe Network can offer gift packages to their loved ones. Members have the opportunity with the privileged price of 25 Euros per year to buy packages of tickets for performances /activities /events, which are organized by the Synthesis Media Company in Athens Fringe Lives, at Living Space of Art and Action Vryssaki and other circumstances. The GIFT PACKAGES are delivered directly to you or your loved ones, without extra charging and they include 5 tickets of your choice, which are not named and can be used on a selected day by the recipient (after telephone booking). In addition, the GIFT PACKAGES can include gift cards with your personal message and autographs of players /artists of this show/event/activity. Those are valid for one calendar year from the date of your registration on the network.



The circle of Athens Fringe Network offers to the participants the unique opportunity to join in a dynamic and special community of people, characterized by a high level of enthusiasm, sensitivity and interest for art, action and science and intense activity for their support. In exchange for your generous contribution to our scope, we provide you with exclusive privileges like:

 •    invitations for all the performances/events/programs that take place in Athens Fringe Lives, at      

   Living Space of Art and Action Vryssaki  and at all the premieres of the productions which

   organized by the Synthesis Media Company.

•   invitations to rehearsals, backstage tours of the major productions, conferences, round tables,      

    symposiums, conferences

•   active participation in the creation of artistic programming of Athens Fringe Live and of Living  

    Space of Art and Action Vryssaki .

•   invitations to special nights, events, presentations, exclusive evenings, gala

•    meetings with artists, the creative team and production team

•    a semester newsletter "The New Cycle of Athens Fringe»

•    programs signed by the artistic team

•    personal thanks to programs, publications and online communication

•    denomination of halls, places and points of space



Friends of Athens Fringe Network is a network of people from a wide range of interests, ages and professions who contribute to purposes of the network morally and materially. Friends reinforce the Athens Fringe Network by promoting its work, by acting as a cohesive link among the new artistic creation, the leading Greek artists and the established artists and producers in Greece and internationally and also by offering voluntary work, suggestions and material-financial support. Friends can mainly assist with collective ways of action, such as organizing events to raise funds, the financial support for specific projects and the organization of special activities for the promotion of new artists- members of Athens Fringe Network and their work.


Arts Lovers

Art Lovers contribute significantly to the production, training, promotion and networking of the network members. By providing an annual donation, you offer a real impact in the life of an artist, in the production and promotion of the Contemporary Greek creation and Contemporary Greek civilization since the amount is also available for the education of talented young Greek artists to produce new works and artistic programs and for their domestic and international presentation and promotion. Art Lovers is the group of people who with their help any idea will be moved and will be take place on stage. The team of Athens Fringe Network generates special programs of financial support actions, depending on the current needs per project.



The patrons of art have the opportunity to participate in Athens Fringe Network and to engage actively with our work by contributing mainly to the development of the physical infrastructure, improving our facilities, our technical perfection and our needs for human resources. By providing an annual donation you contribute significantly in the production and promotion of Modern Greek creation. The team of Athens Fringe Network generates special actions programs of financial funding, depending on the current needs per project.



Bequests by persons of the Cycle of Athens Fringe Network are welcome to create new important opportunities for young artists, creators and scientists. You can also offer financial support or part of your property if you wish, expressing your desire of the implementation of a particular artistic work and action. Alternatively, the team of Athens Fringe Network will find the right way, so your donation to contribute at the maximum possible to the Contemporary Greek creation, to the society and to the public. We hope that you think about our work, the community of our artists and the audience that we all take care for in Athens Fringe Network.




We can all, individually contribute to the work of Athens Fringe Network by developing lifetime relationships among the creative cores of the city, the public and the wider community and taking exclusive privileges such as:

• personal thanks to all the online media, programs and publications that produced by the Synthesis Media Company

• promotions and special discounts on tickets for the Athens Fringe Lives, performances / activities / events at Living Space of Art and Action Vryssaki

• newsletters about the work that realized by the contributions of our supporters

• participation in competitions organized by Synthesis Media Company

• invitations to rehearsals , lectures, roundtables, symposia, conferences, special events and backstage tours for press conferences and themed nights, for special charitable Galas, dinners and exclusive art parties


Crowd –Funding

Using the technique of crowd funding, each of us can contribute to the realization of the creative ideas of the Network members and in every artistic project and action that is organized by the Synthesis Media Company. Aiming at domestic and international audience, we create the appropriate communication campaigns for promoting all of our projects and we collect money for their realization. We appeal worldwide to everyone who can contribute to all those who need support for Greek artistic production and action. For more information visit



We accept any amount, small or big, from anyone touched by the work that we produce , our artistic creation and our social contribution. Each donation, from 1 euro to 1.000.000 euros, is vital for the work we produce. You can become part of all those we offer to young artists, to the contemporary cultural creation, to the public and to society, by offering everything you can, for realizing a particular project or for all of our work.


Planned Giving

Synthesis Media Company operates as a team of experienced professionals with a goal of producing new cultural creation, promotion and its presentation and its contribution to the work of young Greek artists. By developing and strengthening our team, we provide the highest level of service and benefits in all the areas of our business. For this, we appreciate the financial support from individuals related to the education, insurance or payment of our partners. Furthermore, we accept offers in materially equipped for our office, for the needs of the production and organization of our events and also concessions of personal spaces or facilities to produce artistic work or action of our members.


Buy or Sell Tickets

By buying or selling ticket packages for events / activities / programs of Athens Fringe Network, Living Space of Art and Action Vryssaki and the rest of Synthesis Media Company's productions you support our work and action. We seek to operate as an organization, providing the public with services and the artistic work/action that we produce. Therefore, our goal is the public to choose to be a part of our activity and to develop due to this sale. By choosing to buy, donate or sell tickets of our plays and actions you help us to accomplish our mission, to continue our operation and to develop independently.




Athens Fringe Network calls for the contribution of all institutions/organizations, private and public, to make the Art and the Action accessible to all. We guide and adapt these collaborations accordingly with the aim, the goals and the aspirations of each organization and we create actions, which are favourable for both cooperating sides. For this reason, we hope to make collaborations between our own network of artists and to. Τhe partner organizations take privileges such as:


• free ticket packages and get priority for booking extra tickets to events / actions that organized by Media Synthesis Company

• special offers on tickets and services offered by the Athens Fringe Network

• promotion in the media

• opportunities for branding of spaces, communicative material and artistic program

 •Synthesis can organize special events for charitable and other purposes of financing the project and the actions of the institutions


 Schools/ Colleges/ Universities

• Collaborations for the production of educational programs / creative activities / children’s activities

• Allocation of spaces

• Scientific guidance

• Collaborations for new artistic creation and production

• Collaborations for the organization of educational programs, seminars, symposiums, conferences etc


 Embassies and Institutes

• Funding for travel, accommodation and production of artistic work/actions/educational programs in Greece and abroad

• Contribution in Artist’s Networking with fellow artists and production from abroad

• Allocation of spaces

• Funding for the education of new artists

• Funding for the implementation of educational and community programs that aiming to help people to appreciate and participate in Art and Action


Non-governmental organizations

• Collaborations for the production of educational programs / creative activities / child activities / social services / education and community programs

• Collaborations for new artistic creation and production

• Collaborations for organizing educational programs, seminars, symposiums, conferences


 Governmental Institutions

• Funding for travel, accommodation and production of artistic work in Greece and abroad

• Funding for the presentation and promotion of original creation by new Greek artists

• Allocation of spaces

• Funding for the education of new artists

• Funding for the implementation of educational and community programs that aiming to help people to appreciate and participate in Art and Action

• Funding to improve our technical infrastructure and facilities




Athens Fringe Network offers unique benefits to businesses, to their employees and to their customers in order to create a long term relationship and cooperation. By making an annual subscription, sponsorship cooperation or cooperation to the services that we provide, we offer:

• free tickets each year for all the productions which undertaken by Synthesis Media Company (Athens Fringe Lives, Performances / Events at Vryssaki, Living Space of Art and Action/ Productions of the members of Athens Fringe Network)

• get priority in booking tickets to any production of Synthesis

• receive informative newsletters for the actions and the news from members of the Athens Fringe Network

• invitations for backstage tours, special events, themed evenings, Galas,  artistic dinners and exclusive parties

•networking opportunities with artists, new creators and established creative industries prosfessionals and previlegaes for the emploees and stakeholders of the company

• benefits for the employees and the clients of your company


Corporate Membership

Having an annual subscription of 500 euros or more you receive exclusive benefits and offers for your employees and your business partners.


Corporate Hospitality/ Hire

Synthesis Media Company can organize special events, educational programs and entertainment opportunities for the purposes of your actions, your needs, your employees and your costumers. Additionally, you can rent partner spaces and our own Living Space of Art and Action Vrysaki for business use, to create companies where your company will meet new artists and reputable artists of the contemporary Greek scene and to get access to our exclusive events, parties, Galas and VIP events.


Brand Partnerships

We create special packages for business partners, organizations and companies, showing and promoting your corporate identity and your products. Our collaboration can include:


• Brand building

• Pr and communications actions

• Promotional actions/ Placements of products

• Provide data for the general public

• Sponsorship collaboration to the permanent space of the Synthesis Media Company ‘ Vryssaki, Space of Art and action’

The new successful space of Art and Action Vryssaki, is the permanent extension of Athens Fringe Network, which is active all year around. In this space, we organize art events and social actions of similar philosophy to Fringe, trying to meet the needs of the same challenging audience.

 The collaboration with the Athens Fringe Network/ Live can be extended to a long-term collaboration, including the program and our actions in Vryssaki  (  via Branding of Space, Branding of Communication Material, Branding of BTL actions, Use of Space for corporate events etc.

• Ad hoc Customized packages



Athens Fringe Network gives the opportunity of direct contact with the audience through specifically designed compensations, which will contribute to the achievement of the business purpose of the sponsor with specific sponsorships benefits such as : i) Targeted shoppers, ii) Growing and vivification of our corporate values ​​through culture, iii) Positive association with the Arts- enhancement of the brand, iv) Attract positive media coverage –national wide media, printed and digital, v) Fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility, vi) Influence on decision-making centers. Our sponsorship proposals concern all the Athens Fringe Lives, which are organized as part of the Athens Fringe Network through the years, all the individual actions of the Synthesis Media Company, who support the mission and the goals of the network and the independent creative initiatives of our members. The sponsorship exchanges that we offer include:

• Naming of Live/ event/ Activity/ Program

• Exclusivity in product categories

• Branding Services

• Branding Communication Material

• Branding Arts Program

•Branding BTL

• Product placement and Promotions

• Ad Hoc – Customized Packages




The Athens Fringe Network raises funds for individual projects/ activities/ events and programs of its members in the form of donation. You can contribute, as much as you can, to implement all the ideas of our members and enjoy the privileges of the producers/ sponsors such as:


• reports and personal thanks to all the online media programs and publications produced by the Media Synthesis Company

• invitations to premieres and inaugurations

• newsletters about the progress of the project implementation

• meet the artists and production team of each project

• attend rehearsals, lectures, special events and backstage tours for the project for which you have offered the money

• invitations to meetings - events before and after the presentation of the events, special events, theme nights, Galas, art dinners, exclusive parties and VIP events

• give interviews as sponsors/ producers

• opportunity of booking the seats that you wish and of inviting your loved ones for free

• provide merchandising materials about this project


Support a Production/ Action/ Education Programme

Support of the performance production, action, art work, educational programs, conferences, seminars, events etc.


 Support an Artist

Support an artist for his productive effort, training, promoting his work.


Support a Residence/ Tour

Support for travel, accommodation and activity of a member for the presentation and promotion of his work in Greece and abroad, or for a tour of a work by group/ artist in many countries.


 Support an Artwork/ Role

Support for the creation and production of a specific artwork or role of your choice, from an artist / group of Athens Fringe Network that you wish to undertake its realization.