Maria Gaitanidi

Maria Gaitanidi



Selective Pieces


Theatre Role Director Venue/Company

Dance Me Various Stéphane Poliakov The Poetry Café

Tauris-City Various Stéphane Poliqkov The Hellenic Centre

Grafted (Laboratory) Laura Anatoli Vassiliev Venice-Giudecca

The Cherry Orchard Anya Anatoli Vassiliev DESMOI-Athens

Fourth Dimension Phaedra Christos Chanios           Tabard Theatre

Revenge of the Moon Boy     Girl Kaveh Rahnama           Camden People’s Theatre

100 Reasons Not to Love      Sophia Adam Peck                 Diorama Arts  Centre

Attempts on her life Woman George Acock                The Studio, London

Mnemonic Dr. Schultz Meri Williams                 Royal Holloway Univ.

4.48 Psychosis Woman Una Thorliefsdotier        The Studio, London

No Exit Inès V.Leray                     Brussels Theatre Festival                           

Taming of the Shrew Katarina Christian Labeau Arts Centre (Brussels)

The Misanthrope Celimène Jean-Marie Pironet Académie St Boniface

Andromaque Hermione Christian Labeau Academy of Arts

Time of Revolution Dimitra Giorgos Makris Athens Physical Th.Fest.






Acting/Ludic Structures 2010-12 Anatoli Vassiliev

Psychological structures in Chekhov  2009 Anatoli Vassiliev

L’ action comme parole 2009 Anatoli Vassilev

CHOREA (physical, vocal, acrobatic train.) 2008 Tomasz Rodowicz

British Grotowski Project 2008 Ian Morgan -Piesn Kozla

Royal Scottish Academy 2008 Anna-Helena McLean

Gardzienice Intensive Training 2007 W. Staniewski

Body Weather; Trestle masks      2005 Peter Bramley

Neutral Mask (Lecoq) 2004 Peter Bramley

Conservatoire des Arts de Bruxelles 1994-98 Christian Labeau



Greek (Mother Tongue), English (Fluent), French (Fluent), Italian (Very Good), Spanish (Beginners), Polish/Russian (Beginners).


Other Skills

Acrobatics, Singing (Mezzo-Soprano), Tai Chi, Yoga Ashtanga Mysore Practice, Hatha/Bikram Yoga, Verbal Training,



Following her studies in classical acting in Belgium and the U.K., Maria Gaitanidi went to Poland in 2007 and started a residency with Companies inspired and created by Jerzy Grotowski’s followers such as Gardzienice, CHOREA and Studium Teatralne. She trained in acrobatics, singing and their approaches to physical actions. In 2008, she began her apprenticeship with Anatoli Vassiliev as his assistant for his show Medea by Euripides. Since then, she has been training as an actress across Europe, following Vassiliev for his projects in Athens, Paris, Venice and Wroclaw. In 2010 she founded in London, the collective Rawmatterial in order to develop her artistic practice in various forms: art exhibition and installation (Orestes Rising, 2011 and a Dialogue on Beauty, 2012 at the St Pancras Crypt), theatre laboratory on Greek tragedy (Tauris-City, Hellenic Centre, 2012) and poetry recital (Dance Me, The Poetry Café, 2012) with Stéphane Poliakov.




Across the Black Sea, on the shore of Tauris, a land prone to violent sacrifices, two Greeks arrive, finding redemption on their way back to Athens.

Plato burnt all his tragedies once he met Socrates; he then created a unique model for the conceptual dialogue. What if we could make the journey in reverse as a ‘second navigation’: from Plato’s dialogues to the world of tragedy?

Tangled in Plato’s dialogical webs, two actors, M.Gaitanidi and S. Poliakov, weave nets and construct traps creating a new world through Marlowe, Keats, Wilde, Baudelaire, French and Greek songs of the early 20th.

This celebration of ancient dramatic dialogue is based on pioneering theatre approach developed by Russian Director Anatoli Vassiliev.