Καλκαντζή Χρυσαφένια

Καλκαντζή Χρυσαφένια

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική



2010-2013 BA Graphic Design VAKALO Art & Design College

2008-2009 ERASMUS SOCRATES civil law CUFR J.-F. Champollion's Albi, Toulouse, FR

2004-2010 BA LAW National & Capodistrian University of Athens (EKPA)




SOFTWARE Operation System (MacOs & Windows XP, Microsoft Office) 

Software Programs (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, 3D studio max)

LANGUAGES Greek (maternal), English (ECPE Michigan Proficiency), French (Sorbonne II),

Spanish (DELE Intermedio), Hindi (only writing)

DANCE 1year contemporary dance at Dance Cultural Centre DAN.C.CE

1year salsa with the group SalsaSinners

1year indian traditional dance bharata natyam at Shantom Dance Studio



SEPTEMBER 2012 - MAY 2012

Startime Vacations agency Secretary in marketing department of the travel agency

JANUARY 2011 - JUNE 2011

EL.STAT Head of sector in census bureau of Statistical Service of Greece

MAY 2010 - OCTOBER 2010

Ως3 Music columnist at the online cultural magazine Os3 of Stamatis Kraounakis

AUGUST 2006 - OCTOBER 2006 

AshInArt dj in cultural showrooms


International B.H.M.ltd Trading & Advertising photographer in children's events (photo-shooting, digital editing, printing on the spot and sales)

OCTOBER 2004 - MARCH 2004

MediHold AE editions cultural columnist of the weekly economic paper “CHRIMAtriti”