Sally Heard

Sally Heard

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική



2012                Berlitz Online Teacher Training Course - Passed


1987/90           Goldsmiths College, University of London

                        BA (Hons) Fine Art



1985/87           Waltham Forest College of Art & Design

                        Diploma: Art & Design


1976/77           Colchester Business & Secretarial College

                        Typing 70wpm





English Teaching: Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced

Elocution, Creative Study



Adobe Premier Pro, Microsoft/Excel, Autocue, Script Writing & Editing,

Illustration, TV Presenter, Voiceover, Interviews, Reports, Budgets, Administrative Systems, Email & Internet.

Extensive Marketing & Publicity & Publishing experience.





2012               Online English Teacher, Berlitz.


2010               Private English Tutor, Crete & Athens


  1. Head of Programme

Kydon Television, Hania, Crete


Designed, managed and produced ‘Crete News & Life’,  half hour news and cultural affairs programme.  Broadcast 6 days per week across Crete, Santorini and Kythira.


My duties comprised of managing a team of five people; Film Editor, Cameraperson, Reporter/s, Administrative Assistant and Graphic Editor. Presented a half hour news and cultural affairs programme, divided in to two parts; Part I ‘Crete News’ and Part II ‘Life’.  Our news section was a selection of local, national and international news stories translated into English.  The second part of the programme, ‘Life’, comprised of interviews, reports on social topics, arts, history, music and culture. The programme was subtitled in Greek.  On a daily basis I researched and wrote scripts for the reports and news’ stories. Edited and proofed all material submitted by team journalists before recording/broadcasting. As Presenter I read the news in the news studio from an autocue and pre-recorded voiceovers in the editing suite.



Partners with the BBC in supplying footage, information and editing facilities in relation to local ‘British’ based news’ stories.



  1. Cretan Journal, Hania, Crete



Editor of a bi-weekly English language broadsheet published in Hania, Crete.  Contributed, edited and commissioned articles, features and reports. Sub-editing and proofing.  Assisted in the overall design and layout. Features editor and writer.                


Sep 2002       Public Arts Development Trust

                        Admin Assistant - Freelance



  • Assisting in the general administration for a public arts event for British artist Darren Almond and the White Cube Gallery, London
  • Updating mailing list and mailing out invitations
  • Editing and proofing catalogue text before submitting to publisher.
  • Administrating the opening evening at the National Theatre



1999/2000     Whitechapel Art Gallery, London

Assistant to Education Co-ordinator


Responsible for the design and implementation of the Whitechapel Gallery’s ‘Artists in Schools’ - six month residency programme.  


Together with the Head of Education interviewed and selected 12 artists, who were then placed in East End schools for six months as Artist-in-Residence. Liaised with teachers, artists and pupils in the overall management of the residencies.  Provided guidance and support to all parties concerned in order to realise a successful and trouble free residency programme. Assisted in Gallery workshops.  The programme was funded by the Educational Board and Arts Council of Great Britain.



1997/8            Birmingham University – Faculty of Fine Art

Visiting Lecturer – Winter Term


Conducted a series of lectures on my work and that of selected contemporary artists. Conducted tutorials.  Reported to Head of Fine Art Faculty.


1997               Designed and conducted a Drawing Workshop in collaboration with the National Gallery, London


1997               ‘CAD TIMES’ Designed, co-ordinated and taught on a design project between final year design students from Sir John Cass College, London & furniture designer Fred Baere, a London Arts Board funded project using CAM & CAD computer software, with an exhibition of the final works at the Islington Design Centre* 





1997               Curated ‘Costumes’ Exhibition, Canary Wharf

Applied for and received London Arts Board funding for an exhibition of costume design, curated from the London Opera House, Stratford Theatre, National Theatre and Covent Garden.


Designed and implemented schools workshops for junior and secondary levels.


1993/4            Dash Gallery, Isle of Dogs, London


                        Gallery Director

Organised exhibition programme and publications, marketing and sponsorship.


Designed and implemented schools workshops’, gallery talks,,artists lectures and all press and publicity material.


1982/3            Apollo Private English School, Hania, Crete


                        2 Year Contract

                        Cambridge & Longman




1985/7 Diploma Art & Design, Walthamstow College, London

1987/90 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London

Present: Lives & Works in Greece


Current Projects:

Athens International Artists Association – Co-ordinator for Fund raising

Cretan Patterns Porcelain Plate Collection

Designed and produced Porcelain Plate Collection ‘Cretan Patterns’ prototypes with Ionia, Greece. To be launched.

Dinner Plate Set for Habitat Greece – tbc


Selected Solo Exhibitions:

2008 Metropolis Gallery, Hania Crete

2002 ‘Meeting Point’ Archaeological Museum of Hania, Crete

2001 ‘Between States’, Hellenic Institute, London

1997 ‘On the Wall & in the Library‘, Islington/Whitechapel Library, London

1995 Gallerie 102 & Trinkhaus Banken, Düsseldorf, Germany

1993 ‘Goods’, Dash Gallery, London,*


Group Shows:

2010 Artists and Technology - Mediterranean Olive Press, Crete*

2010 ‘Three ‘Bloomin’ Artists, Yiali Tzami, Hania, Crete:

2009 ‘Spring Mood’ Yiali Tzami, Hania, Crete:

2009 ‘Olive Tree’ Mediterranean Olive Press, Crete*

2008 ‘Inside Out’, Yiali Tzami, Hania, Crete:

1998 Braziers Workshop & Exhibition, Oxford,*

1998 Whitechapel Gallery Open, London

1997 ‘Re: Painting’, Gallerie de la Friche Belle de Mai, Marsielle, France

1997 ‘WHAT’ Trinity Buoy Wharf, London 1997

‘Richochets – Red Room Red’, La Vigie Art Contemporain, Nimes France*

Denotes Catalogue - *


Illustrated Book covers for Quartet Press, London. Selected stories by Eugene Ionesco approved by the author.



2002 Greek Government Scholarship – Crete

Hector & Elizabeth Catling Bursary – British School at Athens

2000 Greek Government Scholarship – Crete

Hector & Elizabeth Catling Bursary – British School at Athens

1995 Artist in Residence, Triangle France, Marseille, France

1990 City Life McKenna Award for Painting


Works in collection

USA France Greece

UK Germany

Holland Austria

«Πιστεύω ότι μια ομάδα από ζωγραφισμένα μοτίβα πάνω σε μια ματ χρωματισμένη επιφάνεια, δημιουργούν ένα συνεχώς εναλλασσόμενο σχέδιο και ταυτόχρονα ένα πεδίο δράσης.

Το χρώμα δρα ως καταλύτης στη δουλειά μου, με τη χρήση των αντίθετων χρωμάτων  επί της επιφάνειας, με τα μοτίβα και τα περιγράμματα. Στα έργα όπου τα μοτίβα τονίζονται με περιγράμματα, δημιουργείται ένα δεύτερο σχέδιο στο χώρο μεταξύ των μοτίβων - συνεπώς με το ένα εσκεμμένο σχέδιο δημιουργώ συμπτωματικά και ένα δεύτερο.

Το χρώμα έιναι εξίσου σημαντικό με το σχέδιο/μοτίβο στη δουλειά μου. Και τα δύο πρέπει να συδυάζονται καλά ώστε να συνυπάρξουν. Όταν δεν υπάρχει συνταίριασμα, δεν υπάρχει κίνηση - όταν δεν υπάρχει κίνηση, δεν υπάρχει δράση - όταν δεν υπάρχει δράση, δεν υπάρχει σύνθεση».


“I believe a group of randomly painted motifs on an opaque colour background creates an ever-changing pattern and field of activity. 

Colour is a fundamental catalyst in my work and by placing contrasting colours together the fusion between the motif, outline and colour ignites .  In the works where the motifs are outlined, a second pattern is created in the space between the motifs - thus with one intended pattern I coincidentally create a second.’

Colour in my work is as important as the motif - both must marry well in order to co-exist. When there is a miss match  there is no movement - when there is no movement there is no activity - when there is no activity there is no composition.”