

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική

Μαριανα γεννηθηκε στην Αθηνα το 1977  .Δουλευει μικτη τεχνικη χρησιμοποιωντας ακρυλικα,φελιζολ κ διαφορα προιοντα της συχρονης βιομηχανιας (χαπια ,χρυσοσκονες κα)    Χρησιμοποιει τη γλωσσα των συμβολων ,τα οποια στην εκαστοτε συνθεση τους, αφηγουνται μια ιστορια.Ετσι,τα συμβολα και οι αλληγοριες μετατρεπονται σ έναν αμεσο,αρχαιο λογο.     Κανει street art χρησιμοποιωντας τους ηδη υπαρχοντες ογκους της πολης(τηλ.θαλεμοι,σκουπιδοτενεκεδες κ α) κ μετατρεποντας τους σε χαρακτηρες .ΠΡΟΣΦΑΤΕΣ ΕΚΘΕΣΕΙΣ :    ALIVE ART & MUSIC FESTIVAL(AUGUST 20011) ,6 D.O.G.S. ARTOGETHER FESTIVAL(JULY2011),ARTOGETHER FESTIVAL(JULY 2012),  INERNATIONAL CROUSSIS FESTIVAL(SEPTEMBER 2012)6 D.0.G.S,bic s competition <<design in fire>>street art performance,STIGMA LAB RESIDENTAL april 2013.. Μενει  κ δουλευει στο εργαστηρι της στην Κορινθο.

The language used is symbols, which in each composition tells a story. This way, symbols become a direct ancient speech that is read with pictures. Each symbol is not copied from the observation of the natural world and the laws that govern it (light, perspective, shadow etc) It is copied  from the simple shape that the mind has. (like a child would paint or an ancient Egyptian painter)

I want to paint imaginary, sweet and happy worlds full of rainbows, sweets but also dark elements (dialogue of opposite elements pink and black)  . I want anyone who sees them to be happy and feel perfect. (new age philosophy àEverything is perfect , everything is ok

On the other hand, I want to express my opposition to the rules of modern societies that put us in boxes. That’s the reason why I add wings to all my characters who fly over the conventions, taboos, fears and shyness freely.

I use whatever materials provided by modern industry and products by modern- daily life

I love collage that gives the work the opportunity to get out. 

I use Styrofoam because I wanted to escape from the limits of the square that a painting has and to create upon a whole wall.

STREET ART : Finally  the artwork escapes  from the galleries and museums and unfolds on the streets and festivals . The artwork belongs to anyone and not only to those who visits galleries and museums. As an artist I love to offer my work to everybody and to use the city and its sky as canvas. 

Συμμετέχει στο Athens Fringe Live με το:

Pink Rock

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική
Χώρος: Βρυσάκι
Ημερομηνία: Δευ, 2013-06-10 11:00 - Κυρ, 2013-06-16 20:00
Pink Rock
photo credit: marianacute

The pic-nic table is the material world & the sky is the spiritual world. The red lake in the middle is death. On the table there are all life’s pleasures that a man tastes with his mouth (body). Cigarettes, pills (instant pleasure), meat(sex), lipstick &other objects are symbolizing the sensual, material  reality .When a man dies or when he understands how temporary life is, he enters the red lake (gate to the spiritual world=pink lips). This way he elevates to the sky, where he has no mouth (body) anymore. Mouth transforms to eyes (soul). Eyes are free of passions & pleasures in contrast to the greedy mouths. They don’t eat but they see (know).   


Μαριανα Σαμανδουρου
