

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική

altereg0 (A. M.) – born in 1985 and raised in Athens, he studied Computer Science in the UK; he is currently employed as a software engineer in a private company. For the past eight years, he spent most of his free time wandering in the world of contemporary photography, photo manipulation and painting; he believes that art is the ultimate means of expression, communication and an unparalleled statement of freedom.

Face•less: Lacking personal distinction or identity; without a face.
Faceless is focused on the importance of body language in communication – despite the emptiness of a hollow face – the body speaks a sound language of its own.

Credits: Photographer: Marcus J. Ranum, Model:, Digital Manipulation: altereg0