Black Circus

Black Circus



To γκρουπ δημιουργήθηκε το 2005 και οι μουσικοί πειραματισμοί των μελών του τελικά εξελίχθηκαν στις συνθέσεις που περιλαμβάνονται στο πρώτο τους άλμπουμ.


Οι διάφορες επιρροές των μελών του συγκροτήματος, οι οποίες διατρέχουν όλο το φάσμα της σύγχρονης μουσικής σκηνής, οδήγησαν στη δημιουργία ενός προσωπικού indie-rock στυλ που θα μπορούσε να περιγραφεί σαν μια μελωδική σύγκρουση.

Μελωδικά σχήματα που διαπερνούν συμπαγείς ρυθμούς πότε απαλά και πότε έντονα και στίχοι που διασκεδάζουν να σαρκάζουν και να αυτοσαρκάζονται.


Τη χρονιά που πρωτοεμφανίστηκαν οι “Black Circus” κέρδισαν το πρώτο βραβείο στο διαγωνισμό “Make Music Contest 2005” και λίγο μετά παρουσίασαν για πρώτη φορά τη μουσική τους ζωντανά.

Το γκρουπ έχει μια ζωηρή παρουσία στα μουσικά δρώμενα της τοπικής εναλλακτικής ροκ σκηνής με αρκετά live σε διάφορους χώρους των Αθηνών, της Πάτρας και της Θεσσαλονίκης επίσης.

Είναι μέλη της μουσικής κοινότητας “Spinalonga” συμμετέχοντας στη συλλογή “In the Junkyard Vol 3” καθώς και στο φεστιβάλ “Ιn the Junkyard Fest” το 2007.

Το βιογραφικό του γκρουπ περιλαμβάνει επίσης διάφορες συνεντεύξεις σε ραδιοφωνικές εκπομπές και περιοδικά


Όλες οι προσπάθειες τους τώρα επικεντρώνονται στην προώθηση του πρώτου τους άλμπουμ κάτι το οποίο περιλαμβάνει περισσότερες live εμφανίσεις ανάμεσα σε πολλά άλλα πράγματα.


English Bio:


Everything begun in 2005.
That’s not entirely true but who can really tell. Or does it really matter?
When is always used before someone starts explaining why and five is my lucky number, so…
Life as a spectacle resembles much to the happenings of a circus. Routine buys you a first seat and soon after you become a participant of the act without even noticing. We are all changing places in everybody’s circuses. 
Black…..What about it? We just like the colour…It goes well with everything…. 

Black Circus is a group of people with a wide range of musical influences which slowly, but inevitably, developed into a personal indie-rock style that follows the band ever since.
Melodic riffs rushing over solid beats and lyrics that are amused to expose.

In the year they first appeared “Black Circus” won the first prize at “Make Music Contest 2005” and soon after played their first concert. 
The band has a vivid background in the local indie-rock scene counting a number of live performances at many venues in Athens, Patras and Thessaloniki either as guests or headliners.

Being a member of the “Spinalonga Records” community the band has also participated in one of their festivals as well as a compilation cd (Various Artists-In the Junkyard Vol.3 -2007)
In 2009 their debut album JOY was released by Pan-Vox.
This release was promoted through a number of interviews at radio shows and popular music magazines while many of their songs were included in various compilation CDs.
The band also performed live at the MAD Live show.

Since then Black Circus have been concentrated in the production of their second album DIET DOPE which is about to be released in 2012


Συμμετέχει στο Athens Fringe Live με το:

Black Circus

Black Circus
photo credit: Vaios Faltakas

Everything begun in 2005. That’s not entirely true but who can really tell. Or does

it really matter? When is always used before someone starts explaining why and
five is my lucky number, so…
Life as a spectacle resembles much to the happenings of a circus. Routine buys
you a first seat and soon after you become a participant of the act without even
noticing. We are all changing places in everybody’s circuses.
Black… What about it? We just like the colour… It goes well with everything…
Black Circus is a group of people with a wide range of musical influences which
slowly, but inevitably, developed into a personal indie-rock style that follows the
band ever since.Melodic riffs rushing over solid beats and lyrics that are amused
to expose.
In the year they first appeared “Black Circus” won the first prize at “Make Music
Contest 2005” and soon after played their first concert.
The band has a vivid background in the local indie-rock scene counting a number
of live performances at many venues in Athens, Patras and Thessaloniki either
as guests or headliners.
Being a member of the “Spinalonga Records” community the band has also
participated in one of their festivals as well as a compilation cd (Various Artists -
In the Junkyard Vol.3 - 2007).
In 2009 their debut album “JOY” was released by Pan - Vox. This release was promoted through a number of interviews at radio shows and popular music
magazines while many of their songs were included in various compilation CDs.
The band also performed live at the MAD Live show. Since then Black Circus
have been concentrated in the production of their second album “DIET DOPE” which finally released on 11 December 2012. Various live performances and two
video clips added to band’s recent activities.


Costas kavadias - Guitars / Vocals,

Panos Mourtzinos - Bass guitar,

Christos Kolaxidis - Vocals,

Nikos Roussos - Drums,
Panos Arvanitakis - Guitars


See video
See video
See video
See video