Q-ties. Something More Than Toys

Q-ties. Something More Than Toys

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική
We are Natalia Koliada and Irmina Levanti and we design soft toys under the brand name:
“Q-ties. Something More Than Toys”
Our design activity started strongly one year ago and it is a volcano of ideas for children and people in all ages. All toys are “home made” with a lot of attention for every detail which makes them unique and very interesting. We created collections of soft toys which include many shapes and which are made from high-quality fabrics - we work mostly with cotton, velvet and fleece.
Our ideas for toys come from the memories of childhood, our own, our mothers and grandmothers. Like old toys, our toys are hand-cut, hand-sown. They have great “home” feeling, warm and cute atmosphere around them. And exactly from English word “cute” we created the name of our brand Q-ties (cuties). In the name one immediately can feel sweetness, fun and joy which our toys bring with their characters, looks, colors and softness.
The subtitle “Something More Than Toys” points to the idea of bringing fun not only for kids but to everyone- people in all ages. That’s why we created many items which can be used as a decoration at home or for practical reasons, like neck travel pillows, or just as a unique gift for beloved people.
Since the first day that we presented our toys to audience- March 2011, we have managed to participate in more than 10 exhibitions in Athens- mostly in Technopolis - “Athens Fringe Festival 2011”, “The Meet Market”. Such magazines like “Kathimerini Yineka kai Paidi”, “Glamour”, “Lucky”, “Bazaar” where interested with our job and they presented it in their issues. We also found our place in the internet media like DeBop and Lifeedit.gr.
In October - November 2011 we participated in the competition of the company “Ricardo.gr” for the best advertising, and our toy-animation video took the first place.
In September 2011 together with the internet portal Babyspace.gr we organized a competition for the upcoming day of protection of animals where the winners got our toys and brooches.
2012- we are now working on the project to prepare space for kids in dental clinic which will be open in August 2012 in Athens. More than 200 toys are in process to be done, decades of shapes, big toys to decorate the clinic, puffs, mirrors and more!
Now in our collection you can find such characters like: Big Smiling Cats, Naughty cats, Bears, Girraffito, Bulls Gang, Evolutionary Elks, Flower-Power cats, Crew of Individualists, Crazy Penguins, Juicy Elephants, Sheeps, Owls and many others. Small-size collections are represented by small toys and animals-brooches. XXL-size collection was brought to life by performing the order for huge letter B, which appeared to be 1 meter hight and 8 kilos weight.
Our soft toys found new owners not only in Greece, but in such countries like Scotland, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Russia, USA, and even Australia.
Our goal is to develop more items for our brand which will make life of kids, parents and people in all ages more colorful, playful, surrounded by vivid design and nice objects.
Q-ties. Something More Than Toys
Q-ties is the collection of cute, original, modern and unique toys, which can bring joy not only for kids. They break your conception of a simple toy, they shake your mind, so they are a great gift for people you love for all possible occasions (don't forget about romantic randevou, promotion at work, graduation from school, the friend whom you didn't see long time, cheering up your close people at hospital).
Q-ties are the soft, colorful toys, each of them have their own personality. Some of them are crazy characters, some of them are so cozy to hug. When you look to their eyes, you already adore them:) and you feel sense of warmth, pleasure, happiness, joy, fascination, inspiration, and of course a lot of fun. 
We have always wanted to create something with our hands which will touch people's hearts and make them smile.
Q-ties είναι η συλλογή χαριτωμένων, πρωτότυπων, μοντέρνων και μοναδικών παιχνιδιών, που φέρνουν χαρά όχι μόνο σε παιδιά. Σπάνε την αντίληψη σας για το τι είναι απλό παιχνίδι, ερεθίζουν το πνεύμα, και αποτελούν το τέλειο δώρο για ανθρώπους που αγαπάτε για όλες τις πιθανές περιστάσεις (μην ξεχάστε ρομαντικά ραντεβού, αποφοιτήσεις, προαγωγές, συναντήσεις φίλων από τα παλιά, εμψύχωση άρρωστων φίλων στο νοσοκομείο).
Q-ties είναι τα απαλά, γεμάτα, χρώμα παιχνίδια, καθένα από αυτά έχει τη δική του προσωπικότητα. Μερικά από αυτά είναι τρελοί χαρακτήρες, μερικά είναι τόσο ελκυστικά για να τα αγκαλιάζεις. Όταν τα κοιτάξεις στα μάτια, τα λατρεύεις ήδη. Και αισθάνεσαι πολύ χαρά, έκπληξη, ευχαρίστηση, έμπνευση και βεβαίως πολλή πολλή ζεστασιά!
Θέλαμε πάντα να φτιάξουμε κάτι με τα χέρια μας που θα αγγίξει τις καρδιές των ανθρώπων και θα τους κάνει να χαμογελάσουν.

Συμμετέχει στο Athens Fringe Live με το:

Q-ties. Something More Than Toys.

Εικαστικές Τέχνες: Ζωγραφική/ Φωτογραφία/ Εγκατάσταση/ Γλυπτική
Venue: Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο Μελίνα
Date: Tue, 2012-06-19 - Sat, 2012-06-30
Q-ties. Something More Than Toys.
photo credit: Q-ties

This year Q-ties Something More Than Toys are glad to invite you again to their cozy corner on Fringe Festival!

One part of our exhibition of course will be taken by many bright soft handmade toys which you will love and adore from the first site and which will tell interesting stories about themselves. They are not just toys for kids, but beautiful decoration for a house and sweet friend for cozy hugs.

But Q-ties now is not only toys. We grew up and another part of exhibitions will be presented by huge and comfy poufs of crazy colors and nice shapes. Visitors will be able to catch a nice relax on them and propose their own color and size solution. 

And what will really drive kids and adults away is our interactive design project. On the huge wall everybody can draw the toy of their dreams (and we will make it), or fill with color the existing drawings of our funny characters, or just express themselves! Our small competitions will make it even more inspiring:)

Creative Team

Natalia Koliada and Irmina Levanti, authors and designers of Q-ties

Kostas Levantis - site construction help
