Athens Fringe Live 2016 invites everyone who wishes to work voluntarily during the organization, to apply for their participation. The needs of an international, multidisciplinary organization, which is not restricted in one and only area, are various, covering all levels of organization, preparation and running.

The cooperation includes the following sectors:

  • Participation in the programmed activist actions
  • Communication and promotion of Athens Fringe Live and its parallel events in cooperation with the communication team
  • Support in the organization and running of the artistic program
  • Welcoming the artists and the public
  • Support in ticket offices and box office staff
  • Guides covering a variety of organizational needs
  • Events and Venues supervision
  • Distribution of flyers in venues of the events and in central locations in the city

All volunteers will be given a pass, which will provide free entry to all events/performances, they wish to attend. For those with a more specific interest in the organization of artistic events and activities, their participation as volunteers in Athens Fringe Live 2016 will be an excellent opportunity to attend step by step the setup of an art's festival, bringing together artists and active citizens from all over Europe.

Those wishing to register can either fill in the online application form.